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What will you get?

  • project-huddle v4.7.4
  • PDF Mockups Addon v2.1.2
  • File Uploads Addon v2.2.2

ProjectHuddle Nulled is a comprehensive collaboration platform that revolutionizes the way designers and clients interact during the creative process. This innovative tool is designed to simplify communication, streamline feedback, and enhance collaboration on design projects. In this post, we explore the introduction, overview, standout features, and the overall impact of ProjectHuddle on optimizing the design collaboration workflow.

Sticky-note style feedback on your designs and web projects. White-label, self-hosted and powered by WordPress. It’s like sticky-notes on your designs & web projects. Client feedback has never been easier. Point, click and type interactive comments right on top of your image mockups and live site designs.

Effortless collaboration. Get clear, contextual feedback Keep right on top of your websites and designs. Say goodbye to obscure requests and long, unreadable email chains! Stay organized, save time and move forward with the project.