Live Preview

  • Faster and easier way to order from online shop for the customers.
  • Fully responsive for any device.
  • User can search the food item by category base.
  • Best plugin for wholesale buyers.
  • View the total currency in shopping basket at same page.
  • Show Name, Image, Price, Quantity and Description.
  • Short Code integrated.
  • Product image size can be set from admin.
  • User can display or hide Mini-Cart from admin.
  • Eight ( different mini-cart templates.
  • User can display or hide full image preview from admin.
  • Some food category can “Exclude” as comma separated.
  • Search button background, border and text color can be set from admin.
  • Menu and Sub Menu background hover and text color can be set.
  • Item name, hover and description color can be set.