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License key: 048d3f1a-28eb-4f69-8b2e-7d40b2e2eb7c
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Engaging users in the crowded digital landscape is a constant challenge. YITH WordPress Title Bar Effects Premium Nulled emerges as a creative solution to this challenge, offering an innovative way to capture user attention and enhance user engagement.

What the plugin doesCatch your customer’s attention with an animated title shown on his browser bar.How you can benefit from it:

  • You will catch your users’ attention when they open a new tab in the browser and leave your e-commerce.
  • Even with many tabs opened, your e-commerce one will be the easiest to notice thanks to the animation effect.
  • You will be able to increase conversions by recovering suspended sales encouraging the user to go back to your e-commerce to complete the order.

This plugin is used by 1.001 customers, with a rating of 4.5/5 and a 97% customer satisfaction in support!Read the full description >