ChangelogRelease HistoryVersion: 1.4.9Monday, 01 February, 2021Tested With: BuddyPress 7.1.0Compatible With: BuddyPress 4.0+Fix limit login attempt reloaded issue

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Branded login plugin for BuddyPress allows you to theme your login page, password reset page as you do in your BuddyPress theme. Each unique theme can have their own login/reset and everything screen. And the best of it, the user will never see wp-login.php even if [s]he tries too, they will be always redirected to the themed login page on the front end of site. cool, right 


  • Themeable Login page( yes, you can put the login.php in your theme/blogin and it will pick that )
  • Templatable Password reset page( same, put resetpass.php in your theme/blogin and it will pick that one ).
  • Redirect user to front end login, i.e when they try to access wp-login.php
  • Redirect User to if they try to access the reset password option.
  • Customize your Login slug/reset password slug
  • Customize the password reset messages to send the user to onsite page
  • Frond end logout, i.e complete replacement of wp-login.php, if you use this plugin, you even don’t need to use wp-login.php