Mastermind Multisite RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge RSS feed based post generator autoblogging plugin that uses the SimplePie API to turn an unlimited number of connected WordPress websites, into a autoblogging or even a money making machine!
The only requriement is that these ‘slave blogs’ have the WordPress’s REST API functionality enabled (it is enabled by default in WordPress 4.7+, on older versions, you need to install this plugin for it to work). You can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

  • Any blog that has a public RSS Feed available. All RSS feed versions are supported, from 0.9 to 2.0.

Also, you can automatically generate unlimited number of custom RSS feeds, which generate content to an unlimited number of connected blogs. These rules can generate RSS feeds from:

  • Your latest posts published on your blog.

So, the plugin’s main feature is:

  • RSS Feed -> Blog Posts on remote WordPress blogs with REST API support

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