Sales Page

Display your attributes as Radio Button, Checkbox, or DropDown, add group images and descriptions, and control the order of groups and items. Unrivaled flexibility for displaying attribute options to customers.

What this module means for youinsert_chart Offers your customers a product tailored to their needsA top-selling module that provides excellent flexibility and dozens of options for how you display attributes to customers, making it easy for your users to find the product options they need. Display images for each attribute group and attribute value.  * Please note that the module allows for checkboxes to be used only for attribute groups with two values ​​(as PrestaShop does not allow for more than one attribute value to be selected from each group).You can display different attribute groups set as checkboxes together.If you need to use checboxes for attribute groups with multiple values, you will have to use our Attribute Wizard Pro module.