Sales Page

Send unlimited push notifications to web browsers in any device, even if your shop’s website is closed, using advanced PrestaShop based segmentation filters.

  • Easy to use and with advanced functionalities.
  • Sending notifications even when the users are not on your website helps you stay top of mind with users, especially if they’ve previously engaged.
  • Web push notifications work exactly like the native mobile push on Android, so you don’t have to create a mobile app to send native push notifications.
  • Greater opt-in rate. It’s easier for users to sign up for Web Push than email, which results in higher opt-ins than email.
  • Higher conversion rates. Studies have shown that web push notifications have 30 times higher conversion when compared with email.
  • Sends customized information for a defined audience of customers based on your shop’s data.
  • Improves communication with the customer, becomes more narrow and efficient.
  • Help fight information lost via email, for spam or junk mail reasons.
  • Your shop will have a distinctive and more professional touch than your competition.
  • Simple notifications that can make a difference when the customer is making decisions.
  • Reduce the time spent on customer support.
  • Significant increase in your sales conversions with the included functionality of the abandoned cart reminder.