Sales Page

Key Features

  • System Requirement : Visual Composer
  • Clean Design
  • Responsive Layout
  • WPML Plugin Support
  • Grid Option
    • Grid Type : You can choose Grid type. Standard(Fix row)/Advanced Grid (Mixitup)/Masonry
    • Count of Columns : There are three fields for column. You can choose count of column for Descktop(PC), Tablet and mobile Size(mode).
    • Grid Skin Type :
      • Skin one : In this skin you have many fields and option for customization grid item style.
        • Teaser Layout : Make Visual Layout for Items with drag & drop and generate many combinations
        • Border Options : You can determine border size,type and border color for Top,Right,Bottom and Left.
        • Read More Type : Choose “Read more” type.We provide two types. 1- Button mode 2- Link mode
      • Skin Two : In this skin you have multi preset style and effect for Grid`s items
        • Grid Effect : We provide 4 effetcs for Grid`s Items. Test and enjoy!