Changelogv1.1.0 (Dec 18, 2020)------------------------------ Fixed compatibility issues with the WordPress 5.6- Fixed close button not working in font family field of Typography Options- Fixed Backup Font Family option not working in the Typography OptionsFiles Updated:- gulpfile.js- includes/admin/class-mts-rmu.php- includes/admin/class-rank-math-notice.php- includes/admin/libs/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php- includes/admin/libs/mts-options/css/aristo.css- includes/admin/libs/mts-options/options.php- includes/admin/libs/mts-options/sass/aristo.scss- includes/class-startup.php- languages/startup.pot- sass/theme.scss- style.css

The pixel-perfect WordPress theme designed exclusively for startups.

You literally have microseconds to impress your visitors. The Startup theme ensures that you make the most out of it with its blazing-fast performance.

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