Sales Page

A checkout built for conversion.
Klarna Checkout comes with everything you need to create the smoothest shopping experience for your customers, including seamless customer identification and accepting all major payment methods. It’s built to improve your business performance — converting browsers into happy customers.

How it works.
By offering our complete online checkout solution, you make it easy for your customers to shop how they prefer, often with a single-click. With a simpler buying process, you’ll get more loyal customers and less abandoned baskets.

Post-purchase experience.
Whether you’re a retailer or a shopper, we’ve got your back. We take full fraud and credit risk for sellers, while giving full protection to buyers. We also put control in the hands of customers via the Klarna app – gathering all orders in a single place. With the app, your customers can manage their purchases, chat with customer service 24/7 and even report returns.