Sales Page


Once the plugin is activated, the process is straightforward:

  1. When the customer accesses the login page, besides the Username and Password fields, he will also see the new OTP field and the “OTP send” button (the login button will be hidden until the OTP is sent)
  2. Once he entered the Username/Email and clicked the “OTP send” button, he will receive the OTP via email, and the login button will appear
  3. The customer can then enter the OTP and proceed with the login


Through the admin area, the shop admin can customize the OTP notification email, subject, error message, and more! He can also configure other parameters like the OTP length and validity time


The OTP area template can be customized. The template files can be copied into the theme folder and then customized according to your needs!

  1. woocommerce-two-factor-auth/templates/frontend/wc-login-form.php: this is the template used in the WooCommerce login area
  2. woocommerce-two-factor-auth/templates/frontend/wp-login-form.php: this is the template used in the WordPress admin login area


The OTP is a 12 length string randomly generated. The OTP is valid for a fixed time amount (by default is 5 minutes) after which it will expire. To prevent brute force attacks, the plugin also checks the number of attempts the user performs. By default, after 3 wrong attempts, the OTP will expire. All the parameters can be edited through the options menu.